brought no fruit to God.
I bless thee, O most kingly Heart of Jesus, in that love wherewith the Holy Ghost formed thee of the most chaste blood of the Virgin Mary. I glorify thee, O sweetest Heart of Jesus, in that love wherewith the Holy Trinity adorned thee with all heavenly gifts. I magnify thee, O gentlest Heart of Jesus, in that love wherewith thou didst glow for all the human race. I adore thee, O most benign Heart of Jesus, in that love whereby thou wast broken upon the cross. I extol thee, O Heart of Jesus, most true and faithful, in that love wherewith thou didst will to be thrust through with the lance, and to shed forth Blood and Water.
Wherefore, O transcendently glorious Trinity, I praise thee, I glorify and bless thee, through that surpassingly blessed Heart, that thou hast willed and desired to bestow on it such manifold gifts and such an abundance of grace: and with all possible love and reverence I offer to thy divine Majesty that Heart, so ravishing in sweetness, and so supremely and alone worthy, through the fulness of divine complacency and the ineffable perfection of manifold bliss, with which thou hast filled it for ever; and I beseech thee, that thou wouldst vouchsafe for his sake to pardon whatever I have done that is