Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/443

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INDEX. 423 CHURCH {continued). Presents to benefices on temporalities of archbishop, &c. being in his hands . . . • 59, 64 Church not full till induction, against Crown . . 59 King presents to benefices vacant by promotion, though other patron. — Prerogative herein . . . 60 The patron loses his benefices by promotion. King may enable him to retain, and herein of a commendam re- tinere, and a commendam capere and nature thereof 60, 1 How prerogative presentation affects an advowson in common, there being several patrons . . 61, 2 Where King has a private interest and a prerogative right ...... 63 The maxim nullum tempus, as to prerogative presenta- tions ...... . ibid. Neglect of King to present as patron within six months ibid. When King's presentation lost through usurpation . ibid. King may revoke his presentation when ... 63 Deans how elected . . . . . ibid. King erecting free chapel — {See Chapel, free.) . . ibid. Temporalities of archbishop, &c. King seized of and pre- rogative therein — (See Temporalities.) . . 64 King as supreme head of^ hath right to pubhcation of liturgies, bibles, &c. . .... 240 Subject building* . . . . . 63 CINQUE PORTS . ...... 119,20 COIN. {See.Monej/.) 196 to 199 COLONIES. Obtained by conquest or treaty, or peopHng them when found uninhabited 29 Prerogative over conquered or ceded territory . . ibid. This prerogative subordinate to Parliament . , ibid. King cannot break charter granted to people conquered, &c- ibid. &c.