Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/485

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INDEX. 465 LANDS. Page From what time liable to Crown debts, and what interests and titles Crown may take — {See Extents.) . 293, &c. How far liable to extentagainst subjects' judgment, &c. (See Extents,) . ... 300, &ci' Sale of on Extents — (See Extents.) , . 307, &c. Forfeiture of — (See Forfeiture.) Grants of lands claimed by Crown restrained . 253, 4 King's estate is how divested . . . 253 Remedy to recover against Crown — (See Remedies against Crown.) LAWS. Administratk)n of, not by King pergonally • ; 263 LEASE AND RELEASE. King cannot convey by . . . ', . 378 LEASES FROM CROWN. {See Lands — Rents — Distresses.) . . . 208,4 As to demand before entry . . , .210 Inquisition when necessary before Crown can act under clause of re-entry on non-payment of rent . 250, 55 Of lands seized and claimed by Crown, should be to sub- ject claiming, &c. on what terms . . 255, &c. LEET COURT . . . . . 120 LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY— (See Parliament— Colonies.) Kept separate from executive and why . . 2 King necessarily has share in legislation . . ibid. Nature of King's legislative authority . . 3 LET^rERS PATENT. Ceremonies in obtaining — (See Grants — Patents.) 389, 90 LEVARI FACIAS. To recover fines for misdemeanora--(See Fines,) . 260 On indictment for not repairing . . . ibid. H H