Page:Prerogatives of the Crown.djvu/520

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500 INDEX. WAR AND PEACE {continued). Page King cannot hinder building ships of war here for alien ami . . . ... 50 Contraband of war ; King may prohibit — (See Contra- band of War.) . . ' . . . 172, 3 Prerogative as to dispensing with commercial disabilities as to enemy ... , 170 to 173 WARREN. Free .... . . 141,2 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES . . . . 196 WHALES. . Prerogative as to ; when subject may possess it .144 WILL. Devise of King's personalty; and requisites of his will 242, 3 WITNESS. King cannot be in criminal cases . 377 Setnb, otherwise in civil suits ; and how . . 377, 8 WRECKS. Different species of . . . . . 148 In King; and wiiy ..... 148,9 Prerogative as to ; and when King entitled ; and when not ..... . 149, 50 Law less severe than formerly ; in what respects . 149 In King, without seizure or office . . . 150 Owner entitled to restitution ; when ; and within what time ...... 149, 50 Goods of King not to be treated as wrecks . .150 How to be used by King .... ibid. Y. YEAR DAY AND WASTE. Prerogative as to . . . . .219,20 Inquisition for King necessary . . . . 250 C. WOODFALL, PRINTER, ANGEI. COURT, SKINNER STREET, lOKDON.