Once upon a time, a great while ago, there lived a certain Nobleman,[1] who had long poſſeſſed a very valuable farm, and had a great number of children and grandchildren.
Beſides the annual profits of his land, which were very conſiderable, he[2] kept a large ſhop of goods; and being very ſucceſſful in trade, he became, in proceſs of time, exceeding rich and powerful; inſomuch that all his neighbours feared and reſpected him.
With reſpect to the management of his family, it was thought he had adopted the moſt perfect mode that could be deviſed, for he had been at the pains to examine the œconomy of all his neighbours, and had ſelected from their plans all ſuch parts as appeared to be equitable and beneficial, and omitted thoſe which from experience were found