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upon them with the ſame indignation as if they had been inflicted on themſelves, and that they would ſtand by and ſupport them to the laſt. But, above all, earneſtly recommended it to them to be firm and ſteady in the cauſe of liberty and juſtice, and never acknowledge the Omnipotence of their mother-in-law; nor yield to the machinations of their enemy the ſteward.
In the mean time, leſt Jack’s family ſhould ſuffer for want of neceſſaries, their great gate being faſt locked, liberal and very generous coutributions were raiſed among the ſeveral families of the new ſettlements for their preſent relief. This ſeaſonable bounty was handed to jack over the garden wall—all acceſs to the front of his houſe being ſhut up.
Now the overſeer obſerved that the children and domeſticks of Jack’s family had frequent meetings and conſultations together: ſometimes in the garret, and ſometimes in the ſtable: underſtanding, likewiſe, that an agreement not to deal in their father’s ſhop, until their grievances ſhould be redreſſed, was much talked of amongſt them, he wrote a thundering prohibition, much like a Pope’s Bull, which he cauſed to be paſted up in every room of the houſe: in which he declared and proteſted that theſe