Page:Pretty maid milking her cow.pdf/4

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Left care it should early embrace me,
Besides that my fortune's low,
Until I grow rich I'll not marry,
said the pretty Maid milking her Cow.

To say you would wait for a fortune,
is a civil way to deny;
And I have got money and cattle
dear love all your wants to supply.

Delay are attended with dangers,
and youth it hath no second spring:
and likewise when beauty is faded,
it never will return again!

A fair maid is ire a ship sailing,
she knows not how far she ll safe go;
For in every blast she's in danger.
you pretty Maid milking your Cow.

An old maid is like old almanack,
useless when once out of date;
If her ware is not sold in the morning,
at noon it goes at a low rate.

The fragrance of May is soon over,
garnish & with beauty you know;
All blooms are consum'd in October,
you pretty Maid milking your Cow.