Page:Prevention of Bribery (Amendment) Ordinance 2008.pdf/4

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Ord. No. 22 of 2008

31AA. Referral of matter involving offence suspected to have been committed by Chief Executive
(1) Notwithstanding section 30, where the Commissioner has reason to suspect that the Chief Executive may have committed an offence under this Ordinance, the Commissioner may refer the matter to the Secretary for Justice for him to consider whether to exercise his power under subsection (2).
(2) Notwithstanding section 30, where as a result of a referral made under subsection (1), the Secretary for Justice has reason to suspect that the Chief Executive may have committed an offence under this Ordinance, he may refer the matter to the Members of the Legislative Council for them to consider whether to take any action under Article 73(9) of the Basic Law.
31AB. Disclosure of information received under section 31AA by Members of Legislative Council etc.
(1) Notwithstanding section 30, a Member of the Legislative Council may disclose any information received under section 31AA to the Secretary General for the purpose of enabling the Members of the Legislative Council to take, or to consider whether to take, any action under Article 73(9) of the Basic Law.
(2) Notwithstanding section 30, the Secretary General may, with the prior approval of the President of the Legislative Council, disclose any information received under subsection (1) to any member of the staff employed in the Legislative Council Secretariat if the Secretary General is satisfied that the disclosure is reasonably necessary for the purpose of enabling the Members of the Legislative Council to take, or to consider whether to take, any action under Article 73(9) of the Basic Law.
(3) The President of the Legislative Council shall not approve a disclosure under subsection (2) unless the President is satisfied that the disclosure is reasonably necessary for the purpose of enabling the Members of the Legislative Council to take, or to consider whether to take, any action under Article 73(9) of the Basic Law.