Page:Pride and vanity of young women.pdf/4

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With solemn vows and faithful tokens,
she promised to be his wife.

But cruel parents, and deep at variance,
to think she lov’d the young man so,
By the hard hearted, they soon were parted,
which was the cause of their overthrow.

To the Indies then this handsome young man,
was forc’d to quite the British shore,
For many a day, as I heard say,
but he never saw his true love more.

In deep distraction this comely lady,
to Bedlam then she was confin’d,
Crying death come ease me, since grief has seiz’d me,
Oh! what can ease a sad troubled mind.

O! what shall I do, or what shall I say,
or what shall I do since my love is gone,
From Carolina to Pensylvania,
I’ll search the Indians round and round.

On board I’ll enter, my life to venture,
for the young man whom I adore,
From Pensylvania to Carolina,
I’ll search the Indians round and round.

Like one in battle my chains does rattle,
here in Bedlam where I ly;
My heart’s a breaking, since I’m forsaken,
and all by parents cruelty.

O what care I for gold and silver!
for rubies, pearls or precious stone,
Or what care I for worldly treasure,
since my true love is from me gone.

Like a malefactor in grief I rapture,
or like a convict in revenge,
Alas! fond love has bound me faster,
than all the strength of your bedlam chains.

To fate resigned, I’m here confined,

into this dungeon where I ly;