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Chapter XII. Of the Law of the Increase of Production from Land. Page § 1. The limited quantity and limited productiveness of land, the real limits to production220 2. The law of production from the soil, a law of diminishing return in proportion to the increased application of labour and capital221 3. Antagonist principle to the law of diminishing return; the progress of improvements in production226 Chapter XIII. Consequences of the foregoing Laws. § 1. Remedies when the limit to production is the weakness of the principle of accumulation236 2. Necessity of restraining population not confined to a state of inequality of property237 3. —nor superseded by free trade in food241 4. —nor in general by emigration245 BOOK II. DISTRIBUTION. Chapter I. Of Property. § 1. Introductory remarks249 2. Statement of the question251 3. Examination of Communism254 4. —of St. Simonism and Fourierism263 Chapter II. The same subject continued. § 1. The institution of property implies freedom of acquisition by contract270 2. —the validity of prescription272 3. —the power of bequest, but not the right of inheritance. Question of inheritance examined273