Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/101

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Medical and Surgical Institute

No. 13 North Eleventh St., above Market,


The Physiological Expert is capable of treating all kinds of diseases, that flesh is heir to, with equal success; at least, I have been so blessed in an extensive practice of twenty years. However, I have treated more sexual diseases by far than any other kind, owing probably to the fact, that I have continually lectured on private sexual matters for twenty years; but, I will wager any amount that my success will be equally great in consumption, or any other complaint. Let all sick people, of either sex, who have failed to be restored to health after they have exhausted everything else, consult me, and I will be honest and candid with them; if I cannot do anything for them, I will say so, but if I decide a case curable, I warrant to eradicate the malady.