Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/20

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When public officials use their offices to show off their piety and expertness, it is time they were impeached by the people; otherwise, no one knows when he will get his neck into the mouse-trap, and be made sport of, as I was when before an honorable Court, which was surrounded by sots, pimps, moral game-makers (gamblers), and hypocritical cut-throats.

Truth when sent up in a skyrocket does not angle around error and pesty insects, but it shoots straight through vice and assimilates with virtue. I am always sorry when any one acknowledges to be shot through by it; because, it is an open confession of sinfulness. Still, it is no vice to confess your sins, if by so doing you improve in future hours.

With small minds habit makes law; but with God law is that which is infallible. God made laws, and men violate them; but men cannot make laws that God vio-