Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/30

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at all. He meant if his was not a free-lust church. If you want to find free-lust, do not go to a poor, reformatory church, sustained principally by the minister giving nearly all his earnings for that purpose. Such churches have to sacrifice enough from persecution; being called fanatics, crazy, and their pastors obscene and libellous, without sacrificing themselves to lust. No, rather go to your rich, aristocratic churches, whose ministers travel in Europe at the expense of jealous husbands, if you would find free-lust"

Brother Kilgore, you hit him about in the right place, and no doubt lie (and his like) will feel it as long as he lives. I pity and forgive him.

My prison comrades are most lively when I feel disposed to go to sleep at night; they consist of little mice, big mice; little bugs, bed bugs, and big bugs, sometimes called roaches. They love me better than do the Pharisees, because they dance and make