Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/52

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Tonic and Alterative Medicated Bitters operate upon the living skins, tissues, or mucous surfaces as the tanner's bark operates upon the hides of animals,—they make leather out of them, hence no more feeling in them, nor growling by the human nerves. This kind of logic is a better tonic and alterative, if you comprehend it, and shun these petrifying stuffs, (trusting to God and Nature when ill, with the injunction to fast and pray,) than all the Bitters and Medicinal Panaceas in Christendom! The doctors and newspaper men will be indignant over this proclamation, because their advertised drug-business will go defunct.

Healthy fruits contain a natural, or godly, or God-created, proportion of water, nutrition and innutrition needed by the human system to keep the blood, nerves, bones, flesh, and alimentary canal in a truly normal state. There is no other one food that does so contain all the component parts of an unfallen Adam. Before the fall of