Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/60

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For a man to get ahead of the age in which he lives, is as dangerous as to get his hand into another man's pocket; with this special caution, that in proportion as he makes a large success in drawing a prize, will he be less criminal than the presumptuous innovating renegade.

Whilst half dressed people, and especially ladies, will not benefit lewd Judges and sensualists, they will nevertheless do a mountain of good to pure and innocent people, because the more common a thing becomes the less attention and curiosity does it excite. Moreover, half the beauty of the angelic human form is buried from the sight of human eyes, and I cannot conceive how our mock-modest and lewd people will be able to go either to heaven or hell without having the thing indicted as an obscene nakedness!

A public official has no business to allow his prejudices to govern him in his official