Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/62

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Charley Gibbons. When you seek office again, we hope to be about to do our duty in getting sound-minded and honorable men to fill public offices. Where are the $20,000?

Modern Spiritualism and Orthodox Sectarianism seem to me, if "seeing is believing," to be riding the same hobby to death—Spiritualists depend altogether upon the Spirits—the etherealized—the gauzy—for salvation or happiness, whilst living in real, material, earthly life; and the Sectarians rely upon "Faith" without learning and living out the laws of the growth and natural development of human nerves, bones and flesh, whilst travelling over this earth, which is the preparatory stage upon which the soul or spirit depends for its perfection, its fulness of power and grace divine through the medium of the body. Why don't they attend to this, their right business, of causing physical perfection first, when they would surely receive the full fruition of their godly lives; whereas, they grabble and dabble with