Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/67

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time of health and wealth prepare for sickness and poverty by storing up in your heads a sound understanding of the "laws of growth;" "laws of cure," and "laws of nature," on the one hand; and on the other, by establishing a true Christian Treasury, where things are held in common by the members of the Church!

He alone is respectable who respects himself and his Creator; and who by so doing, masters his propensities and learns to mind his own business, whilst he does not fail to do his duty to his fellows. He is not jealous, selfish, penurious, avaricious nor malicious; but is a light to the world, and a "paragon of animals;" and the opposite sex soon learns to respect and love that one, little short of idolatry, no matter if he never wore a suit of broadcloth; or if he happens to be a she, if she never wore horse-hair busts, hoops, flounces, silks, satins or Grecian Benders, but has simply exhibited a plump flesh and blood development, without rouge, powder, or muskrat stinks!