Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/80

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Gospel truths, and there is to this day only one living man who explains the Scriptures scientifically. It is I, presumptuously.

Why, and at whose pleasure, I was arrested. One of the officers who arrested me in my pulpit has visited me several times since in prison, and he told me that if I had remained in my own Hall, in the northern part of the city, and had not advertised to go to the large central Concordia Hall, I would not have been arrested. Said he: "Mayor Fox got a few letters asking him to arrest Dr. Landis, who had published several obscene books, and by announcement in the papers will preach next Sunday evening, on obscene things, in Concordia Hall; this man is continually violating the law and should be arrested. The Mayor, not knowing any better, ordered Mr. Brenieser to go to your office and buy a book; he did so; and on Saturday the warrant was sworn out, and ordered by the Mayor to be held until Sunday evening, until you would appear