Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/88

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eunuch, fornication, open act of the same, etc.; but, when I used such words to illustrate scientific physiological law, they arrested and convicted me for an "Obscene Libel." Do not these acts of my enemies crucify the Christ—the truth—by such persecution, and stamp me a true follower of Jesus? Certainly.

I am not opposed to Theatres, but if I am guilty of "Obscenity," then are all our actors and theatre-goers guilty of the same offence; and they are the most guilty, because, they indulge in sensual sights and for mere gratification purposes, whilst my motive and acts were to cause people to enjoy life naturally, and thereby benefit the race, without any wantonness or lust about it. Consistency, thou art a jewel, but art in modern days wofully abused. Do these remarks fit any of my persecutors? If so, I hope they will have more charity for me, and give honor and justice where it is due.

Any ignorant person thinks he has as good a right to give his opinion on topics of