Page:Prison-Life Thoughts.djvu/99

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hypocrisy, ignorance, fashion and folly; capping the sweet climax by convicting the man, as an "Obscene Libellist," who inculcates equal care upon rational as irrational creatures. Swine, thou art glorified, and thy offspring continues in his swinishness; but man, thou flappest also into swinishness, and thereby losest thy manhood, thy beauty, thy godly attributes, and seest filth in the fixed law of thine own Creator; because thine eyes are lagered, smoked, brined, peppered, drugged, preserved, pickled and dirty; hence, thy brain is befuddled and thy intellect is barren, whilst thy morality and piety lies in thy stomach and still lower down. Thou art a sensualist," wicked and lewd passioned" lout. Good-bye, my best wishes to thee, and my prayers for thy pardon; thou needest it badly.