Page:Private Lotteries Act 2011.pdf/11

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(b) no commission either in money or moneyʼs-worth including by way of free tickets or chances shall be payable in respect of the sales of tickets or chances.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred on him by subsection (1), the Permit Officer may, in granting any permit under this Act, impose conditions specifying—

(a) the amount and number of the prizes to be offered;
(b) the number of tickets or chances to be offered for sale in such lottery and the prices and denominations of those tickets or chances;
(c) the persons by whom, the manner in which and the places at which, those tickets or chances may be sold or distributed and the persons or classes of persons to whom the tickets or chances may be sold or distributed;
(d) the time, place and manner at or in which the winners of prizes therein will be determined;
(e) the opening and closing dates for the sale or distribution of tickets or chances in such lottery;
(f) the conditions subject to which any ticket or chances may be offered for sale;
(g) the costs, charges and expenses which may be deducted by the person promoting such lottery from the funds raised by the lottery;
(h) the percentage of the gross proceeds raised by the lottery that shall be applied to the object for which such lottery is promoted;
(i) the manner in which the names of the winners of prizes in such lottery shall be advertised; and
(j) requirements in respect of machines and equipment to be used, including fruit machines.

(3) The Permit Officer may at any time add to, vary or revoke any of the conditions imposed under subsection (1).

(4) The holder of a permit who is aggrieved by any condition imposed under subsection (1) (except those specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of that subsection) or by the addition, variation or revocation of any