Page:Private Lotteries Act 2011.pdf/21

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lottery, shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to be conducting a private lottery then in progress.

(4) Where one or more fruit machines are found on a part of any premises used by a society for its purposes, being a part that is accessible to members of the society, the occupier of those premises shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to be promoting a private lottery to members of the society.

(5) Any person abetting the commission of an offence referred to in subsection (1) or (2) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to the punishment specified in that subsection.

Recovery of duties and penalties

22.—(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other written law, any duty or penalty due under this Act may be claimed by way of a writ of summons.

(2) The Commissioner may, in his own name, sue for any such duty or penalty and shall be entitled to all costs allowed by law against the person liable thereto.

(3) The Commissioner may appear personally or by counsel in any suit instituted under this section.

(4) In any suit under this section, the production of a certificate signed by the Commissioner giving the name and address of the defendant and the amount of tax or penalty due by him shall be sufficient evidence of the amount so due and sufficient authority for the court to give judgment for that amount.

Service of notices, orders and documents

23.—(1) Any notice, order or document (other than a summons or a notice to attend court) required or permitted to be served on a person under this Act may be served on that person—

(a) by delivering it personally to that person;
(b) by addressing it to that person and delivering it at the last known residential address of that person to an adult person who is a member of his family;
(c) by addressing it to that person and delivering it at the last known business address of that person to his employee or by addressing