It is not attempted in Germany, in the United States, or in Switzerland.
Remedies suggested.Two alternative remedies are suggested by the experience of other countries. An Imperial Parliament, representative of the whole Empire, might be established, the existing Parliament confining itself to questions which affect the United Kingdom as a whole, and to the special interests of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. This remedy involves the degradation of our ancient and historic Parliament to an entirely subordinate position, and, for the reasons already given, it is a policy for the adoption of which neither the Colonies nor the mother country are yet prepared.
The alternative is for Parliament to hand over to subordinate legislative authorities what may be termed domestic questions, while retaining in its own hands all Imperial business, as well as all matters of common interest to the whole of the United Kingdom. It implies the creation of legislatures in England, Ireland, and Scotland (probably also in Wales), each having power to deal with their own internal affairs. The establishment of a federal form of government in the United Kingdom somewhat similar to that of Canada has, I believe, become urgently necessary. I advocate it, not only for the sake of Ireland or Scotland, but, to use Mr. Redmond's words, for the sake of England, for the sake of the English Parliament, and for the sake of the British Empire.
The Irish Question.Not the least of the advantages of the establishment of Federal Government in the United Kingdom is that it affords a solution of the constitutional difficulties in granting self-government to Ireland alone. I92