Page:Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention held in Denver, December 20, 1875.djvu/670

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pear in person and by counsel. If he have no counsel, the Judge shall assign him one in that behalf only. On the completion of such examination the witness shall be discharged on his own recognizance, entered into before said Judge, but such deposition shall not be used if in the opinion of the Court the personal attendance of the witness might be procured by the prosecution, or is procured bj the accused. No exception shall be taken to such deposition as to matters of form.

Section 18.That no person shall be compelled to testify against himself in a criminal case, nor shall any person be twice put in jeopardy for the same offense. If the jury disagree, or if the judgment be arrested after verdict, or if the judgment be reversed for error in law, the accused shall not be deemed to have been in jeopardy.

Section 19.That all persons shall be bailable by sufficient sureties except for capital offenses, when the proof is evident or the presumption great.

Section 20.That excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Section 21.That the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall never be suspended, unless when in case of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it.

Section 22.That the military shall always be in strict subordination to the civil power; that no soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war except in the manner prescribed by law.

Section 23.That the right of trial by jury shall remain inviolate in criminal cases; but a jury in civil cases in all Courts, or in criminal cases in Courts not of record, may consist of less than twelve men, as may be prescribed by law. Hereafter a Grand Jury shall consist of twelve men, any nine of whom concurring may find an indictment; Provided, the General Assembly may change, regulate or abolish the Grand Jury system.

Section 24.That the people have the right peaceably to assemble for the common good, and to apply to those invested with the powers of government for redress of grievances, by petition or remonstrance.

Section 25.That no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.

Section 26.That there shall never be in this State either slavery or involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.

Section 27.Aliens, who are or who may hereafter become bona fide residents of this State, may acquire, inherit, possess, enjoy and dispose of property, real and personal, as native-born citizens.