Page:Proceedings of the Convention of the Equal Rights and Educational Association of Georgia 1866.djvu/5

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company, and that each member of the Association use his best efforts to sell stools sufficient to put the paper upon a firm basis; laboring for it as they have never labored before.

The Committee on Conference made report, which was adopted, recommending that all delegates from counties in which there were no Equal Rights Associations, be admitted to the Convention.

Adjourned to nine o'clock to-morrow morning.

second day.

President called Convention to order at nine o'clock. Prayer by Mr. Gardner of Hancock. Minutes read and approved. Chairman of Committee on Conference reported that the committee were unable to agree with the Union League upon a plan to unite with this Convention. On motion, the report was received and adopted.

On motion of Bacon, of Clarke, ordered that the resolution relating to the transfer of the Loyal Georgian to a joint-stock company, be published in the Loyal Georgian separately.

Rev W Flagg presented twelve dollars—amount of collection at public meeting for the Loyal Georgian.

The President then delivered the following annual address which was listened to with the most profound interest, and a resolution unanimously adopted requesting him to furnish a copy for publication in the Loyal Georgian.


My Friends and Members of the Georgia Equal Rights Association.

You have met for the second time to consider the condition of the colored citizens of Georgia. On the 10th day of January last, the friends of equal rights met for the first time in the history of this State to consult together, and adopt a policy, by which they would be governed, in laboring to advance the cans; so dear to their hearts. They organized an Association which was very properly called the Georgia Equal Rights Association, made arrangements for publishing a newspaper, passed resolutions and adjourned.

A difference of opinion arose in regard to the policy which should be pursued towards the white friends, who might wish to assist in the efforts, made to secure for the colored race those rights to which every citizen in this free Government is entitled. Some, desirous of securing the practical assistance of white friends, advocated the election of a white man for President; others, in consideration of the fact that all the delegates to the convention were colored men, were of the opinion that it would be better to elect, a colored man to that position. The discussion, which was throughout conducted in the best spirit, was ended by a decision, nearly unanimous, in favor of electing a white man President, The election was unanimous.