Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 3.djvu/14

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Experimental Researches in Electricity. By Michael Faraday, Esq. F.R.S page 91
Some Remarks on the internal Structure of the Platypus Anatinus (Ornithorhynchus paradoxus, Blum.). By Richard Griffin, Esq 93
Some Account of a New Volcano in the Mediterranean. By John Davy, M.D. F.R.S. Assistant Inspector of Army Hospitals 94


Experimental Researches in Electricity. — Second Series. By Michael Faraday, Esq. F.R.S . 95
On the Theory of the Perturbations of the Planets. By James Ivory, Esq. A.M. F.R.S. Instit. Reg. Sc. Paris., and Reg. Sc. Gbtting., Corresp 98
Experimental Researches in Voltaic Electricity. By the Rev. William Ritchie, LL.D. F.R.S. Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy in the Royal Institution of Great Britain, and in the University of London 98
On the Organs of the Human Voice. By Sir Charles Bell, Knt K.H. F.R.S 101
Some Remarks on an Error respecting the Site and Origin of Graham's Island. By Capt. W. H. Smyth, R.N. K.F.M. F.R.S 101
Researches in Physical Astronomy. By J. W. Lubbock, Esq. M.A. V.P. and Treas. R.S 101
On the Inverse Ratio which subsists between Respiration and Irritability in the Animal Kingdom ; and on Hybernation. By Marshall Hall, M.D. F.R.S.E 104
Further Notice of the new Volcano in the Mediterranean. By John Davy, M.D. F.R.S. Assistant Inspector of Army Hospitals 107
A Method of deducing the Longitude from the Moon's Right Ascension. By Thos. Kerigan, R.N 107
An Account of some experiments and observations on the Torpedo. By John Davy, M.D. F.R.S. Assistant Inspector of Army Hospitals. 107
Report on Professor Airy's paper, entitled, On an Inequality of Long Period in the Motions of the Earth and Venus. By the Rev. William Whewell, M.A. F.R.S.., and John William Lubbock, Esq. M.A. V.P. and Treas. R.S 108
Report on Professor Faraday's Paper, entitled, Experimental Researches in Electricity. By Samuel Hunter Christie, Esq. M.A. F.R.S., and John Bostock, M.D. V.P.R.S 113
Report on Mr. Lubbock's Paper, entitled, Researches in Physical Astronomy. By the Rev. William Whewell, M.A. F.R.S., the Rev. George Peacock, M.A. F.R.S., and the Rev". Henry Coddington, M.A. F.R.S 121
An Account of certain new Facts and Observations on the Production of Steam. By Jacob Perkins, Esq 123
On certain Irregularities in the Magnetic Needle, produced by partial warmth, and the Relations which appear to subsist between terrestrial Magnetism and the geological Structure and thermo-electrical Currents of the Earth. By Robert Were Fox, Esq 123