Page:Product Eco-responsibility (Regulated Electrical Equipment) Regulation (Cap. 603B).pdf/19

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Product Eco-responsibility (Regulated Electrical Equipment) Regulation

Part 2—Division 3
L.N. 143 of 2017
Section 21

(2) If the auditor identifies any discrepancy between a return covered by the audit report and the records and documents kept for the return as mentioned in subsection (1)(a) in relation to any quantity of regulated electrical equipment, the auditor must set out the discrepancy in a document in the specified form.

(3) If a discrepancy list has been prepared for an audit report in accordance with subsection (2), the registered supplier must, in submitting the report, attach a copy of the discrepancy list to the report.

21. Exemption from submission of audit reports

(1) A registered supplier may apply to the Director in writing for exemption from submitting an audit report for a particular audit year.

(2) Subject to section 46(1), the application must be made within 1 month after the last day of the relevant audit year.

(3) The Director must approve the application if—

(a) for an ordinary registration—
(i) the reporting periods falling within the relevant audit year cover less than 12 months in total; and
(ii) the Director is satisfied that the aggregate recycling levies payable for the reporting periods do not exceed $20,000; or
(b) for a short-term registration—the Director is satisfied that the recycling levy payable for the reporting period does not exceed $20,000.