Page:Product Eco-responsibility Ordinance (Cap. 603).pdf/20

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Ord. No. 32 of 2008

(d) records and documents to be kept by registered retailers;
(e) such supplemental provisions as are necessary or expedient for giving full effect to the provisions of this Part;
(f) any matter ancillary or incidental to those specified in this section.

(2) A regulation made under this section is subject to the approval of the Legislative Council.

[ss. 18(1) & 21(1)
& (2)]

Plastic Shopping Bags to which this Ordinance Applies

1. Meaning of plastic shopping bags

(1) A bag is a plastic shopping bag to which this Ordinance applies if—

(a) it is made wholly or partly of plastic; and
(b) there is a handle, handle hole, perforated line for tearing out a handle hole, carrying string or strap, or any other carrying device on, or attached to, the bag.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1)(a), “plastic” (塑膠) includes polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride and nylon.

[ss. 18(1) & 21(1)
& (2)]

Plastic Shopping Bags to which this Ordinance Does Not Apply

1. Plastic shopping bags excluded from application of this Ordinance

(1) Subject to subsection (2), this Ordinance does not apply to the following plastic shopping bags—

(a) a bag that is sold at a price of $5.00 or more;
(b) 2 or more bags that are sold as a pre-packaged pack at a price of $5.00 or more per pack;
(c) a bag that—