Page:Project Blue Book, complete status reports.pdf/342

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Sweetwater, Nevada
12 April 1953


At 1510 hours PST, ten round flat metallic colored objects changing formation traveled at an estimated high rate of speed on a heading of 110° at an estimated altitude of 7,500 ft. No trail, sound, or exhaust were noted. Objects passed under the right nacelle of the observers' C-47 type aircraft, and were observed by the co-pilot. He took control of the C-47, and turned to the right in a tight 300° turn for a better view of the objects. Objects were then picked up unassisted by two more members of the crew. The objects were observed in a right turn of greater radius than that of the C-47 and at a lower altitude. The objects were observed for approximately 120° of their turn, and disappeared on a heading of 300°. Observers were unable to estimate the speed of the objects because of the distance and the objects' large radius of turn.


No aircraft were observed in the area and the pilot reported no radio facilities at Sweetwater Airport. No report was made until landing at Stead AFB, Nevada. Weather at the time of sighting was slightly hazy, visibility 30 miles. Although the observers reported seeing no aircraft in the area, it is believed that the objects were aircraft (probably trainers) because of the color, maneuvers, and distance at which they were observed.


Possibly aircraft.
