Page:Project Longshot - Advanced Design Program Project Report.pdf/14

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2.2 Operations

Assembly of the probe will occur in two phases: major components and subsystem will be assembled and tested on the ground, and then sent to LEO for final assembly and integration into the spacecraft. Transfer to orbit will require multiple launches with initial estimates indicating that launches will be carried out in the following manner, (based on current projections):

  • Fusion engine - one launch on an ALS-class vehicle.
  • Main structure - one launch on a Shuttle-class vehicle.
  • Fuel tanks - one launch on an ALS-class vehicle.
  • Fuel - one launch on a Growth ALS-class vehicle.
  • Payload - one launch on an ALS-class vehicle.
  • Upper stages for the initial phase of the mission will be launched as required based upon advances in upper stage technology.

The fusion drive will be launched as a finished unit due to its complexity. It will be equipped with a plug-in type interface for integration with the remainder of the ship. The main structure will be a collapsible space frame, which will be erected from its stored configuration by personnel at the space station. Additional structure will also be orbited in collapsed form for erection at Space Station. The fuel tanks will be built of sheet aluminum with formed end caps. The end caps will be launched in a completed and stacked configuration and the sheeting for the bodies will be rolled into a solid cylinder for launch. Assembly will occur in orbit using advanced adhesives technology. The fuel for the fusion engine