Page:Proofs of the Enquiry into Homer's Life and Writings.pdf/117

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Proofs of the Enquiry into


Proofs of the Enquiry into

Sect.' Names of the Heroes, with his Accounts of XII. ' their Families ; and principally how it comes fVV < to pass, That each of them was destined as it ' were to kill some certain Prince, or to be kil' led by another ? For whence had he the Per* sons whom he introduces ? Such as his Eu. phorbus, Helenus and Deiphobus ? and besides ' whence had he his Knowledge of the great

  • Number of Leaders of the Enemy's Army,

' whom he recounts in the Catalogue? For it ' is plain that Homer does not feign these « Things ; but relates real Deeds, which were ' truly performed and acted, excepting a few ' which he seems to have purposely contrived, ' in order to diversify and soften his Poetry. Philojlratus Heroics XVI1L

An Author whose Work

does Honour


his Country, and who has shewn the true Use to be made of Learning and Travely observes, ' That the Civility paid by the politer Nations ' of Europe to the fair Sex ' is by the Arabs ' looked upon as an extravagant Infringement

  • of the Law of Nature, which assigns to Man

c the Pre-eminence : The Matrons of that - • Country being only Servants of better Fashion,

  • who have yet the greatest Share of the Toil

' and Business.' This must be a Part of what
