Page:Proofs of the Enquiry into Homer's Life and Writings.pdf/37

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Proofs of the Enquiry into


Proofs of the Enquiry into

Sect. .y

% % % One of the strangest things that e«er hap pened in the Course of the Roman Justice, was the Absolution of the infamous Pub. Ciodius. He was accused of a complicated Crime of Sa crilege and Adultery ; having debauched Cesar's Wife in the midst of the most solemn Sacrifice to the Bona Dea, at which no Male Creature p could be present without Profanation. M. CrasT tl (6)AS* t^le ^ame ar^erwar(^S perished in Parthia, undertook his Defence ; — and ' in two ' Days time, says Cicero, imploying only one ' Slave, and he a Ruffian too from the Bear* Garden, he accomplished the whole Affair.

  • He sent for the Judges to his own House ; he
  • promised, he prayed, he gave vast Presents :

' And besides, (good Gods ! what are we come J to ! ) some of the Judges were to have Nighis

  • of certain Ladies, and to be introduced to some

f noble Youths, as an Addition to their Bargain.' Letters to Atticus.

tfy (f) '-t»6. (7)

Abstract Knowledge acquired by Speculation is generally the Product of Leisure and Quiet : ' The Sciences, according to Arijlotle,

  • were invented in those Nations, where Men
' were most at Leisure : Wherefore the Ma* thematical Arts were first brought to a Bearing