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Homers Life and Writings.

Homer'* Life and Writings.


goes backward.—This the Author of the Enquiry Sect. calls talking a little strangely ; and approves ra- VII. ther the ascribing it to Emulation : For the Pre- ' • J valency of which he produces these two Lines of Hesiod: Potters and Joiners grudge at every Brother, And Bards and Beggars envy one another.


^ 7 7. (i)

But it is only the Theory of Manners , and the different Periods of their Progression that ac count fully for this surprising but natural Event. •



THE Admiration raised by Homer's Wri tings has occasioned great Search to be made into every Circumstance relating to their Author : Particularly it has raised a Curiosity to know, who had the Honour of forming such a Mind, and teaching the Man, who has since proved the Instructor of the World ? • Ancient History, fays the Bishop of Thcs'

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salonica, has handed down Phemius as the g? Master of the Poet ; and represents him to -s- rr have been a wife Man, and struck with the Mujes. Phemius was a Philosopher, which was likewise the Character of every

  • Bard.

He is said to have wrote a Poem, 'The

  • See Page 13, 52, and 70, of the Enquiry into the Life
and Writings of HOMER.