Page:Proofs of the Enquiry into Homer's Life and Writings.pdf/54

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Homers Life and Writings.

H q m e rV Life and Writings,

4. 1

upon Pindar has preserved these three Lines of S e c t. Hestod, which, if genuine, determine the Que- VIII. stion ; Lr_w_ In Delosfirst, Homer and J, young Bards, In youthful Hymns, alternate, tun'd our Song ; 7i y&gf LatonaV Son, awful and bright.

p. IC9 (r) m. (g)


In the Ruins of a Roman Building near the Baia in Italy, the following Inscription was found on a large Piece of Marble, which has probably been the Portal of a Bath, or some Apartment of Pleasure : BALNEA, VIN A, VENVS, CORRVMPVN.T CORPORA NOSTRA: SED VITAM FACIVNT BALNEA, VINA, VENVS. Baths, Women, Wine our Health destroy, And cut Life's scanty Line .• But what has Life, or Health of Joy, Without Baths, Women, Wine? ^



ISÆodern Poetry took its Rise, they fay, from that of the Moors, who first brought Rhime into Europe. It appeared first in Pro vence a happy Soil and Climate, where the Roman

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