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Proofs of the Enquiry into


Proofs of the Enquiry into

Sect. 'The whole strain of his Narration, fays VIII. ' he, is marvellous ; and the Texture of AcciiTnVfd) ' dents m his Poem is wrought up in the para121. (b) ' doxical and fabulous Manner. This is done ' to fill those who read it with Anxiety and

  • Wonder, and strike those who hear it with

' AJloniJhment. It is only to gain this End that ' the Poet sometimes quits Probability and

  • Truth : As when he equips his divine Per' sons with too many Attributes, or gives them

' an Action or Sentiment that out-Jhoots the AJ* legory.'

The Poet has described the Condition of a Man refrejhed and warmed after great Fatigue, we may suppose from Experience. uo. (hj ' When Miseries are past, 1 24. c 1 ) pleasure abides the Man, who many a Step Thro' Toils and Dangers took.To the same Purpose Juvenal says pleasant ly, that it was after a full Meal that Horace 124- (p1* raised the Bacchic Shout,—Ev oe ! a 128. (n) %


The Use of Fable is to adorn and illustrate Truth ; as a Cipher added to a Number en hances

? Sec Page 231 ofEdition I. and 240 of Edit. 2.