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Homers Life and Writings.

Ho m e ks Life and Writings.


' Ministers, and sung only as they were inspired Sect.

  • from above; and as such that they were highly VIII.
  • honoured and reverenced by the People'.

another of the same Profession Homer fays,



ibid- pp -New Strains of Verse Ibid- (s) He freely strikes, andfollows bold his Flame : Nor is the Bard to blame ;'tis Jove who prompts, And gives to Mortals, as he wills to each. And Alcinb'us the Pheacian Prince, at a grand Entertainment fays to a Servant, But call the Bard divine


Demodocus, whom God hath blest with Song, To chear Mankind ; in whatsoever Strain


His Genius takes the Loose.— And when he was come, Th' indulgent Muse allow'd the Bard to sing


The Deeds ofMen. To the same Purpose a modern Poet, the Author of the admired Pastoral Pastor Fido, That Part of Us which fees and knows, Is not our Virtue, but it comes from Heav'n : Heaven gives at Pleasure, and Heaven takes away.


P- i28.(y)
