Page:Proofs of the Enquiry into Homer's Life and Writings.pdf/71

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Proofs of the Enquiry into

Proofs of the Enquiry into She neither hid, nor yet expos'd her Charms. jTpsTo Perhaps Futurity may be of this Sort ; a. l6l (U) bout which Men in the worst Times, and some of the worst Men have been always the most anxious ; such as were in the lower Ages of the Roman Empire, and near two Centuries ago at . the Court of France. It is the saying of one of the wisest of the Ancients, Of things to come, it's hard to know the End ; Or how th'Almighty means it to fulfill : A Vail of Darkness human Sight defends, And marks the narrow Limits of our Skill. Simonides.



pŒMOCRITUS, the Aathor of the Atomical Hypothejis adopted by Epicurus, and the greatest Traveller of the ancient Phi losophers, seems to have been struck with Ad miration of Homers Works. In a happily ini62. (a) vented Word (©EAZO) he said, 1 6b. ca) " That a God-like Genius having fallen to Ho'* mev's Lot, he had composed his divine Poems, " containing all the Varieties of Style and Cha" ratter" This I believe is the oldest Criticism upon Record concerning Homer. Dion.

