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Proofs of the Enquiry into


Proofs c/ the Enquiry into

e c t. ' Nile flows, and increases during the Season of X. ' the Etesian Wind : for then the Sea-water is "v"-"' ' forced out in greater Quantity by the Strength '

' '

of the Winds ; Ocean subsides, likewise abates. Sea is sweetish, ble those found

but when they cease, and the then the Flood in the River Moreover the Taste of that and the Monsters in it resemin the Nile. ' Seneca Nat. Quest.

The Northern Farts of Europe were long unknown to the Greeks. AR 1STÆAS, a Native of Proconnejus, first visited the Scythians, and found, as he said, a People among them with only one Eye, whom he called Arimajpians, and were the fiercest of Men. He composed at his Return a Work called by their Name. The most judicious Strabo gives this Character of 17 <-0) him : — c* Aristœas, the Author of the Ari. (m) " maspian Poems, as they are commonly called " — a Quack, if ever there was one in the "World." Geography Book 13. ^



It gives a grand Idea of the Temple at Del phi, to hear it represented as the Place of Resort of the Gods ; where they kept their Festivals, and where the most amiable Part of the heaven ly Choir danced for Joy :
