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Homers Life and Writings.

H o m e r's Life and Writings.


But the original Picture of the other Greeks is Se c t. very different : Far from being able to fit out X. a Fleet, or even to build a single Ship,

  • —v—'

They neither knew p. t99- (S) Tile-cover d Houses standing in the Sun, Nor Timber-work ; but like the Earth-bred Ant, They lived in sunless Caves dug under Ground. No certain Sign had they of Winter's Cold, Nor of the Jlow'ry Spring, or Summers Store ; But blindly managed all— Eschylus. These are the People whom Virgil characterizes, Astubborn Race, on Mountains living wild.

i92. (c) 199. (h) PHORONEUS was the first Prince who lhu. (d) was born in this Country, {Peloponnesus) for J- 199. (i)nachus was not a Man, but the River-God who was the Father of Phoroneus. — ' This Phoro' neus, the Son of Inachus, first gathered Man* kind together into a Community, who before ' his Time were scattered up and down, and ' had each of them separate Dwellings ; and ' the Place in which they were first brought to ' live together, was called from him the Pho' ronean Town' Pausanias. No wonder that the Invention of Corn ap peared so divine to such a starving Community, as to entitle its Author to Worship and Divini ty. Lucretius says of Cybele, the Mother of the Gods
