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Homers Life and Writings.

the Words is.—" Come, happy Pæan, the God who killed Tityus ; thou who observest the Seasons like the Wolves; a Native of Memphis; glorious in Honour; God of the Bow ; Giver of good things!—

The same sacred Author, in his Hymn to Latona, has thus expressed Apollo's second my thological Birth;

P 201. (l) / 209. (d)

Thou brought'st forth Phœbus, and the Dart loving Diana;— the God among the Delian Rocks, and the Goddess in Ortygia.'


The great End which the earliest Philosophers proposed to themselves, was to regulate the Manners of Mankind : and the Method they took to attain it, was by swaying the Passions, and modelling those Habits that principally form them. This they attempted some of them by Music, some by Posey, some by the Gymnastic Exercises, and others by Religion.

203. (n)/ 211. (g)

The oldest Philosophy in Greece, and most generally professed, was in the Island Crete, and the City Lacedemon ; and the greatest Number of wise Men the World can shew, are to be found there. Plato.

As a Specimen of the Influence of the last named Method of civilizing Men, (by Religion)

the same Philosopher, when he is forming aScheme