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Proofs of the Enquiry into

afterwards—' The Foundations of all the Sciences, and all the Conclusions made from them, were transferred from US (Jews) first to the Chaldeans, then to the Persians and Medesy and afterwards to the Greeks.


The first Origin of the human Race, and in what Country it was first produced, were Matters much disputed among the Ancients. The highest Contest run betwixt the Scythians and Egyptians, Inhabitants of the Northern and Sou thern Climates ; though other Nations, Phenicians and Assyrians, were not without their Pretensions to this remote Honour of Birth-Right. 'Justin the Historian, and Diodorus the Sicilian have stated their several Claims, and recorded the Reasons they brought to support them.

P. 221. (e)/2?0 (f)

"The Egyptians, lays the latter, affirm, that Beginning, when the World was created, the first Man was produced in Egypt." —The truth is, most Nations, who knew little of their own Origin, and grew afterwards great and powerful, first pretended to this Precedency, and afterwards invented Reasons, and perhaps contrived a chimerical Genealogy to support them.

222. (f)/230 (g)

—The Origin of the Phenicians is very doubtful.—' Some Authors say that the Pheniciansand