Page:Proofs of the Enquiry into Homer's Life and Writings.pdf/97

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Proofs of the Enquiry into


Proofs of the Enquiry into

S e c t. She fung delightful, and the Hall thro out XI. Re-echoed to her Song. Odyss. K. Her Palace has been remarkable on that barba rous Coast : md. (p) Amidst the By-ways Circe's House they found 262 (b) Ofpolijh'd Stone compact ; and all around The Place inclosd. —— This might be so rare a thing in that Country, as to give a Name to its Owner from Kir, a Wall—if she have not rather obtained it from her Actions, as Kirkar signifies to overturn, —to ruin^to destroy . .

It must give one an high Idea of the Va lue of Laws and a Constitution, when we take a View of the dismal Condition in which most Countries were, before they were blessed with a civil Policy. It is certain that Men were upon the same Footing with the Fish of the Sea, or the wild Beasts of the Field ; the greater devour ing the less, and feeding upon the Carcafles of their Fellow-Creatures. Even Egypt itself, the Mother of Arts civil and religious, was once infamous for Inhospitality and Murder :— l a^-OO —-Who has not heard 264. (<0 offierce Eurystheus ? Or th' all-hated Name Qf
