Page:Prophecies of Thomas the Rhymer (3).pdf/10

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9This mighty nation was to-fore,
Invincible and stout;
Will yield slowly to destiny,
Great pity is but doubt.

10In former age the Scots renown
Did flourish goodly gay;
But yet, alas! will be overcome
With a great dark decay.

11Then mark and see what is the cause
Of this so wond'rous fall!
Contempt of faith, falsehood, deceit,
The wrath of God withal.

12Unsatiable greed of worldly gain.
Oppression, cries of poor;
A perpetual and slanderous race,
No justice put in ure.

13The haughty pride of mighty men,
Of former vice chief cause.
The nutriture of wickedness,
An unjust match of laws.

14Therefore this cause the prophets
Of long time did presage;
And now has happen'd every point
Into your present age.

15Since fate is so, now Scotland learn
In patience to abide
Slanders, great fears, and sudden plagus
And great dolours beside.