Page:Protestant Exiles from France Agnew vol 1.djvu/52

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historical introduction.

William Brunnam, Frenchman, “embroderer,” cam hither xii yeares agoo for the persecutions sake in Fraunce.

John de Blancques, Frenchman, bookbinder, cam into this realme about half a yeare agooe for religion.

Adrian Brickpott, born in Antwerp, goldsmith, “hath byn resident in this citie many years;” “his cominge was for religion.”

John Carr, born at Arras, glassmaker, “hath byn here iiii yeares;” “cam hither for religion.”

Francis Crocosan, born in Flanders, cordwainer, “hath dwelt in London and Norwiche these ii yeares.”

Peter Fuckal, born in the Bishopric of Chartres in France, and Collecketour, his wife, born in Valmont in Normandy; resident since 1544. (F.C.)

James Vinion, born at Paris, resident since 1558.

James Ditwighte, born in Rouen, resident since 1541. (F.C.)

Garrett Clargy, born in “Trocheampy,” resident since 1521. (F.C.)

John Bowrey, born in Rouen, resident since 1521. (F.C.)

Sampson Leaver, born in Rouen, resident since 1535.

Gyllam Norrey, born in “Mountidey” [Montdidier?] in Picardy, resident since 1533.

Guillam Pullen, born in Paris, resident since 1523.

John Nicoll, born in Paris, hosier, resident since 1521.

Charles Dyrrant, born in Paris, smith, resident since 1535. (F.C.)

John Sharfe, born in Rouen, goldsmith, resident since 1559.

Boneventure Leney, born in Paris, resident since 1541. (F.C.)

Robert Shalwaye, born at Rouen, resident since 1551. (F.C.)

Nicholas Bunmarey, born at Rouen, resident since 1547. (F.C.)

Francis Derickson, born in Friesland, resident since 1527.

John Powkes, born in Valencye, resident since 156T.

John Cowtree, born in “Bydorne in Gascoyne,” resident since 1550. (F.C.)

Nicholas Byshowe, born in Burgundy, silk-weaver, resident since 1560.

Tussyn Vyot, born in France, resident since 1561.

Gyles Seres, born in France, resident since 1555. (F.C.)

Lewes Seneor, Frenchman, resident since 1564.

Nicholas Deporte, born in France, leather-dyer, resident since 1534. (F.C.)

John Mylner, “Frenche person,” resident since 1533.

Gabryell Hemman, Frenchman, resident since 1561.

Peter Bennett, Frenchman, resident since 1562.

Nicholas Heblen, born in France, resident since 1551. (F.C.)

Powyll Tyttyll, Frenchman, resident since 1547.

Andrian Butlera, born in Tournay, silk-worker, resident since 1535. (F.C)

Thomas Farsyvyll, born in Armentieres in Flanders, goldsmith, resident since 1564.

Garret Falck, born at “Grube” in Brabant, resident since 1559. (F.C.)

Balthaser Lote, born in Antwep, resident since 1566.

Gyles Bar, born in “Valencye in Burgonye,” silk-weaver, resident since 1551. (F.C.)

Michael Arte, Dutchman, resident since 1564, “of the Frenche Church.”

Richard Beckett, tailor.

John Mahewe, Burgundian, silk-weaver, resident since 1561.

John Pyttaine, born in Artois, silk-weaver, resident since 1566.

Adam Hoyat, born in Artois, parchment-maker, cam for religion, “hath byn in Englande iiii yeares.”

Victor Colyn, born at Rouen, silk-weaver; he cam into England about viii yeares past for religion.

Peter Demowbre, born in Burgundy, silk-weaver, resident since 1561.

John Barbe, born at Tournay, silk-weaver, “hath byn in England x tenne years; he cam for religion.”

Peter Foye, of Tournay, silk-weaver, “hath byn in Englande about xi yeares past, and cam for religion.”

Antonatt Adam, widow, Burgundian, silk-weaver; cam into Englande about v yeares past for Religion.

Isaak de Eurges, born in Doucheland, bookbinder; “he hath byn in Englande twentie yeares and is of the French Churche.”

Peter Eger, born in France, tailor, resident one year and a half.

Jakes Laboor, Frenchman, tailor, resident since 1531.

Stering Race, Frenchman, resident since 1546. (F.C.)

Gillam Dillimer, Frenchman, tailor, resident since 1551. (F.C.)

John de Sotlatt, Frenchman, resident since 1547.

Nicholas Pyggott, Frenchman, resident since 1546. (F.C.)

Nicholas Hollingcourte, Frenchman, resident since 1543.

James le Forsey, Frenchman, resident since 1551.

Robert Howell, Frenchman, merchant, resident since 1555. (F.C.)

Galliard Tasson, Frenchman, soldier, resident since 1561.