Article XV
A system of civil service for the Government of the Ryukyu Islands shall be established in accordance with the provisions of law which shall control such responsibilities as appointment, promotion, and retirement which fall within the provisions of such system.
Article XVI
The Chief Executive shall perform such administrative and executive responsibilities in accordance with the powers as set forth under Article IV of Civil Administration Proclamation No. 13, Establishment of the Government of the Ryukyu islands," dated 29 February 1952. However, such powers shall be exercised independently of the powers granted to the Legislature or to the Judicial organs of the Government of the Ryukyu islands.
Article XVII
The Deputy Chief Executive shall preside over the Legislature, but shall have no vote, except the Legislature may authorize such a vote as a part of the standing rules of procedure thereof, where the Legislature be equally divided. The Deputy Chief Executive shell perform no official executive and administrative responsibilities in the Government of the Ryukyu islands or in any department or agency thereof, unless he shall be called upon to perform the duties of the Chief Executive in the event of the absence or inability of such official to perform his responsibilities. in such case the Legislature shall elect, from among its own members a presiding officer.
Section IV
Organization and Operation
Article XVIII
The Legislature shall be composed of thirty-one members to be elected by the people of the Ryukyu islands in accordance with the provisions of law.
Article XIX
The Legislature is authorized to make all lavs which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the powers of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands, as set forth in Civil Administration Proclamation No. 13, "Establishment of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands," dated 29 February 1952, or as shell be delegated to it by the Deputy Governor. The Legislature, in the exercise of its legislative power, shall be independent of the Executive and Judicial organs of the Government of the Ryukyu islands. The style of the acts of the Legislature shall be: "Be it enacted by the Legislature of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands."