prince, “your words, pregnant with wisdom, I will also consider. For to be omniscient must indeed be the greatest power. But your Majesty has a third princess,” he continued, addressing the king. “Where is she?”
“She is here,” said the king. “She is the Princess of Nakedness with the wings. But she is still a child, Prince. . . .”
Psyche blushed and bowed.
The prince looked long at her. Then he said to her, gently: “Your Highness is called Psyche? You have the name of the ancestress of your race, as I have the name of the god who begot mine. Is it not true?”
“I believe so,” murmured Psyche, embarrassed.
“She is still a child, prince—forgive her!” repeated the king.
“Will your Majesty not permit me to ask for the hand and heart of your third daughter, the princess?”
“Certainly, prince; but she is still so young. . . . . If she leaves me I shall be very sad. But if she loves you, then I will give her up to you, for then she will be happy. . . .”
“Tell me, Psyche, will you be my wife?”