- [Footnote:
Then the Sea told the rudder, the rudder told the sailor,
The sailor put it into song, then the neighbor heard it,
Then the priest heard it and told my mother,
From her the father heard it, he got in a burning anger,
They quarrelled with me and commanded me and they have forbidden me
Ever to go to the door, ever to go to the window.
And yet I will go to the window as if to my flowers,
And never will I rest till my beloved is mine.
]because the god was represented as a bull; likewise the [Greek: a)/rktoi] of Artemis, conceived of as a she-bear. The Angel might correspond to the [Greek: ê(lio/dromoi] of the Mithras mysteries. It is indeed an exquisite invention of the Christian phantasy that the animal coupled with St. Anthony is the pig, for the good saint was one of those who were subjected to the devil's most evil temptations.]*