Page:Psychology of the Unconscious (1916).djvu/628

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  • [Footnote: *tector: when he grew up, he was of superhuman beauty, so that Agdistis

fell in love with the boy. His relatives sent the full-grown Attis to Pessinus, in order to marry the king's daughter. The wedding song was beginning when Agdistis appeared and in delirium Attis castrated himself."](papa, pope) and Cybele, Mä. In the early Asiatic religions of this mother-goddess, there existed fish worship and prohibition against fish as food for the priests. In the Christian religion, it is noteworthy that the son of Atargatis, identified with Astarte, Cybele, etc., is called [Greek: 'Ichthy/s] (Creuzer: "Symbolik," II, 60). Therefore, the anagram of the name of Christ = [Greek: IESOUS CHRISTOS THEOU YIOS SÔTER] = [Greek: ICHTHYS].](As the bull is the Creator, Mithra is the Lord of birth).]