Page:Psychology of the Unconscious (1916).djvu/631

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Abegg, 182

Abélard, 16

Abraham, 6, 29, 143, 151, 162

Activity, displaced rhythmic, 160

Adaptation to environment, 14

Agni, 164, 185

Agriculture, 173

Aitareyopanishad, 178

Ambitendency, 194

Amenhotep IV, 106

Analogy, importance of, 156

Analysis of dreams, 9

Antiquity, brutality of, 258

Anxiety, representations of, 292

Arnold, Sir Edwin, 273, 355

Art, instinct of, 145
  first, 177

Asceticism, 91

Asterius, Bishop, 375

Augustine, 90, 114

Autismus, 152

Autoerotism, 176

Autonomy, moral, 262

Avenarius, R., 146

Aztec, 205

Baldwin, Mark, 17

Baptism, 357

Bergerac, Cyrano de, 43, 60, 119

Bergson, Henri, 314

Bertschinger, 203

Bhagavid-Gita, 195

Bingen, Hildegarde von, 101

Bleuler, Prof., 152, 194

Book of the Dead," "Egyptian, 278, 289, 314

Boring, act of, 157, 177

Bousset, 402

Brihadaranyaka-Upanishad, 174, 178, 313, 466

Bruno, Giordano, 25

Buddha, 273, 323, 344, 355

Bundehesh, 277

Burckhardt, Jacob, 40, 83

Byron's "Heaven and Earth," 117

Cæsar, Julius, 317

Cannegieter, 281

Causation, law of, 59

Cave worship, 375

Chidher, 216, 219

Child, development of, 461

Childhood, valuations, 211

Children, analysis of, 207
  regression in, 462

Christ, 30, 90, 135, 185, 217, 219, 225, 245, 252, 278, 344, 357, 372
  and Antichrist, 403
  death and resurrection, 449
  sacrifice of, 475

Christianity, 78, 80, 85, 255

Chrysostomus, John, 113

Cicero, 136

City, mother symbolism of, 234, 241

Cohabitation, continuous, 236, 298

Coitus play, 167
  wish, meaning of, 339

Communion cup, 410

Complex, 37
  law of return, 56, 67
  mass, 43
  mother, 208
  nuclear, 195
  of representation, 70, 76, 95

Compulsion, unconscious, 454

Condensation, 6

Conflict, internal, 196, 328

Consciousness, birth of, 361

Creation, by means of thought, 58, 62
  ideal, 64
  from introversion, 416, 456
  from mother, 286, 371
  through sacrifice, 466

Creuzer, 268

Cross, 264, 278
  meaning of, 296

Cult, Father-Son, 166
  Earth, 173

Cumont, Franz, 83, 221, 225, 450, 473