Page:Psychopathia Sexualis (tr. Chaddock, 1892).djvu/242

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mental life was not connected with the bodily sex; that there were male individuals that felt like women toward men (“anima muliebris in corpore virili inclusa”). He called these people “urnings,” and demanded nothing less than the legal and social recognition of this sexual love of the urnings as congenital and, therefore, as right; and the permission of marriage among them. Ulrichs failed, however, to prove that this certainly congenital and paradoxical sexual feeling was physiological, and not pathological.

Griesinger (Archiv f. Psychiatrie, i, p. 651) threw the first ray of light on these facts, anthropologically and clinically, by pointing out the marked hereditary taint of the individual, in a case which came under his own observation.

We have Westphal (Archiv f. Psychiatrie, ii, p. 73) to thank for the first systematic consideration of the manifestation in question, which he defined as “congenital reversal of the sexual feeling, with consciousness of the abnormality of the manifestation,” and designated with the name, since generally accepted, of contrary sexual instinct. At the same time, he began a series of cases,[1] which, up to this time, has reached ninety-three, those reported in this monograph not being included.

Westphal leaves it undecided as to whether contrary sexual feeling is a symptom of a neuropathic or of a psychopathic condition, or whether

  1. In male individuals: (1) Casper, Klin. Novellen, p. 36 (Lehrb. d. ger. Med., 7 Aufl., p. 176); (2) Westphal, Archiv f. Psych., ii. p. 73; (3) Schminke, id., iii, p. 225; (4) Scholz, Vierteljahrsschr. f. ger. Med., xix; (5) Gock, Arch. f. Psych., v., p. 564; (6) Servaes, id., vi, p. 484; (7) Westphal, id., vi, 620; (8, 9, 10) Stark, Zeitsch. f. Psychiatrie, Bd. 31; (11) Liman (Casper’s Lehrb. der ger. Med., 6 Aufl., p. 509), p. 291; (12) Legrand du Saulle, Annal. méd.-psychol., 1876, May; (13) Sterz, Jahrb. f. Psychiatrie, iii, Heft 3; (14) Krueg, Brain, 1884, Oct.; (15) Charcot et Magnan, Arch. de neurolog., 1882, Nr. 9; (16, 17, 18) Kirn, Zeitschr. f. Psych., Bd. 39, p. 216; (19) Rabow, Erlenmeyer’s Centralb., 1883, Nr. 8; (20) Blumer, Americ. Journ. of Insanity, 1882, July; (21) Savage, Journal of Mental Science, 1884, October; (22) Scholz, Vierteljahrsschr. f. ger. Med., N. F. Bd. 48, Heft. 7; (23) Magnan, Ann. méd. psychol., 1885, p. 461; (24) Chevalier, De l’inversion de l’instinct sexuel, Paris, 1885, p. 129; (25) Morselli, La Riforma medica, iv, March; (26) Leonpacher, Friedreich’s Blätter, 1888, H. 4; (27) Holländer, Allg. Wiener Med. Zeitg., 1882; (28) Kreise, Erlenmeyer’s Centralblatt, 1888, Nr. 19; (29, 30, 31, 32) v. Krafft, Psychopathia sexualis, 3 Aufl., Beob. 32, 36, 42, 43; (33) Golenko, Russ. Archiv f. Psychiatrie, Bd. ix, H. 3 (v. Rothe, Zeitschr. f. Psychiatrie); (34) v. Krafft, Internationales Centralblatt f. d. Physiol. u. Pathologie der Harn-u. Sexualorgane, Bd. 1, H.1; (35) Cantarano, La Psichiatria, 1887, v., p. 195; (36) Sérieux, Recherches cliniques sur les anomalies de l’instinct sexuel, Paris, 1888, obs. 13; (37–42) Kiernan, The Medical Standard, 1888, 7 cases; (43–46) Rabow, Zeitschr. f. klin. Medicin, Bd. xvii, Suppl.; (47–51) v. Krafft, Neue Forschungen, Beob. 1, 3, 4, 5, 8); (52–61) v. Krafft, Psychopath. Sexualis, 5 Aufl., Beob. 53, 61, 64, 66, 73, 75, 78, 84, 85, 87; (62–65) v. Krafft, Neue Forschungen, 2 Aufl., Beob. 3, 4, 5, 6; (66, 67) Hammond, Sexual Impotence; (68–71) Garnier, Anomalies sexuelles, 1889, Obs. 227, 228, 229, 230; (72) Müller, Friedreich’s Blätter, 1891; (73–87) v. Krafft, Psychopathia Sexualis, 6 Aufl., Beob. 78, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 101, 102.

    In female individuals: (1) Westphal, Arch. f. Psych., ii, p. 73; (2) Gock, op. cit., Nr. 1; (3) Wise, The Alienist and Neurologist, 1883, January; (4) Cantarano, La Psichiatria, 1883, p. 201; (5) Sérieux, op. cit., obs. 14; (6) Kiernan, op. cit.